The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business


The Nine Steps is a series of tools to enable the circular economy. Each Step provides the guidelines specific to a company’s requirements. If the supply chain is your area of focus then the chapter ‘Circular Supply Chain’ will fit your needs.

If you’re looking for a more hands-on experience each Step is a workshop in itself. Circular Economy Asia hosts workshops, either online or in-person in your company, or at a workshop event.

For more information, please contact our office via our Contact Us form.

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Step Four

Step Five

Step Six

Step Seven

Step Eight

Step Nine

The Nine Steps Cards™


To facilitate participants in generating ideas and action plans during any of the Nine Steps Workshop’s we use three different styles of cards as guides. The three different types of cards are: Standard, Case Studies and Compass.

Standard Cards

Goals & Tasks are

assigned to each card

Case Study Cards

Focus on

circular stories

Compass Cards

Provide extra




Workshops are regularly held in various cities across Asia, or in-house with your company. An online version is currently in development. There are several different types of workshops starting with a half-day, full-day and two-day workshop according to your company’s requirements.  Feel free to contact us for a quote.

Circular Skills™

Check out the Circular Skills™ page for all the skills training courses available and in development. 


References – Card Images:

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