Skills Training

Do you have the skills to deliver circular economy outcomes? If the answer is no, you have landed on the right page. Here is where your skills training begins. We highly recommend you review the Essential Skills™ program. before moving on to our intermediate and advanced courses.

The Essential Skills™ Program

The Essential Skills™ Program are our free skills training courses to get you started with sustainability, the circular economy, ESG and other related topics. We believe it is critical for individuals, companies and organisations to be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the future.

Visit the Essential Skills™ page today for your start to the future.

Circular Resources™ Skills Training

The use of secondary raw materials will become increasingly common over the coming years. Secondary raw materials for manufacturers are derived from end-of-use-cycle items, the everyday products we discard. These items only have value when we practise responsible disposal behaviours and collection and sorting systems are designed to maintain the material value of the end-of-use-cycle items. You can find more information on the Circular Resources™ page.

Visit the Circular Resources™ Skills Training page.

The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business™

The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business™ has been created for individuals, companies, government agencies and NGOs to decide where they wish to focus and what is important to them. For example, a company may decide circular supply chains are critical or, perhaps, circular business models. Before embarking on any of the Nine Steps, it is highly recommended first to take the Circular Economy Foundation Course.

For more information, visit The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business™ page.

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