Rethink – Part of the Circular Economy

Should we be rethinking capitalism and the linear economy? While it is still seen as the “least awful” of alternatives, many accuse it of having led to exploding inequality, disastrous climate change and fractured societies. For some, these consequences are enough to advocate abandoning it altogether. What will it be replaced by? 

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Rethink – A Consumer Behaviour

Rethink refers to making a product use-intensive through sharing products or by putting multi-functional products on the market (e.g. leasing clothes, battery swapping points, or reusable cups and foodware). However, rethinking is not just about product or purchasing habits. Increasingly we need to rethink whole economic and social systems.  

Download the third part – Rethink: Human Behaviour  PDF file.

The Circular Rs are part of the Circular Economy Foundation Course.

Fact Sheets

These Fact Sheets provide insights, trends and ideas on the circular economy in Asia and across the world. They are created for our #CircularOctober campaign. For the complete list, visit the Fact Sheets page; click on the image to download





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